8 Proven Strategies to Secure Your First Orders on Fiverr

Fiverr is a freelancing platform to offer your services and earn money.

Starting with no ratings is challenging, but it’s possible to attract orders by taking strategic steps.

Here are some tips to help you get orders.


1. Optimize Your Gig Title and Description

Optimize your gig title and description on Fiverr with clear, concise, and descriptive language to increase sales.

Find Optimal Keywords

Use popular and relevant keywords in your title and description to align with what potential buyers are searching for.

Google Trends or Google Adwords Keyword Tool can help you find these keywords.

Avoid keyword stuffing or irrelevant keywords that can mislead buyers.

Write a Catchy Title

To create an effective title for your service, make sure it is catchy, clear, and summarizes your value proposition.

It should be brief, descriptive, and specific, highlighting the main benefit or outcome that potential buyers can expect from your service.

For instance, instead of simply saying “I write articles”, a better title would be “I create engaging SEO articles that can boost your website’s traffic”.

Use a detailed description

Craft a persuasive description that clarifies your service and convinces buyers to choose you over other sellers.

Explain what your service is, how it works, and its main features and benefits.

Highlight your credentials and experience and provide a clear method for buyers to contact you.

Use bullet points and formatting to make your description easy to read.

Utilize Media

Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your skills and work.

Upload up to three images and one video to your GIG. They should be relevant, professional, and attention-grabbing.

This will help you stand out from other sellers and attract more clicks.

Use them to provide samples, testimonials, or case studies of your previous work to demonstrate your expertise.


2. High-Quality Gig Images or Videos

High-quality Gig images or videos are crucial on Fiverr.

They can help you make a good first impression, show your skills, and differentiate yourself from other sellers.

According to Fiverr’s research, aesthetically pleasing Gig images have a higher click-through rate and conversion rate than not-so-good-looking images.

So, invest some time and effort in creating great visuals to boost your sales and reputation on Fiverr.


3. Competitive Pricing

If you’re just starting on Fiverr, it can be helpful to offer your services at a competitive price compared to other sellers with similar offerings.

This can help you attract initial buyers who are looking for affordable options and set you apart from other sellers.

Competitive pricing is important on Fiverr for several reasons.

It can help you attract more buyers and increase your sales by offering fair and reasonable prices that match the value and quality of your service.

It can also help you stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself from other sellers by using pricing strategies that highlight your unique value proposition and expertise.

Additionally, setting prices that cover your costs, meet your business goals, and maximize your profit margins can help you optimize your performance and profitability.

To set competitive prices on Fiverr, you need to consider various factors, such as your target market and customers’ needs and expectations, your competitors’ prices and strategies, your costs and expenses, your skills and experience, your service features and benefits, and your business objectives and growth plans.

You can also use tools like Fiverr’s Promoted Gigs to bid for better ad placement and reach more potential buyers.

However, you need to optimize your bid selection and cap to ensure that you pay the lowest possible cost for each click on your ad.


4. Promote Your Gig

Sharing your Fiverr gigs is an essential step to increasing your visibility, reaching more potential buyers, and growing your business.

To share your gigs effectively, you should follow some best practices, such as choosing the right platforms and channels that suit your niche and target market, creating engaging and relevant content that showcases your value proposition and benefits, using keywords, hashtags, and tags that match your gigs and services, including a clear and compelling call to action that invites people to check out your gigs, and tracking and analyzing your performance and results using Fiverr’s analytics tools.

You can showcase your skills, portfolio, and reviews to a wider audience and build your brand awareness and reputation as a freelancer.

Sharing your gig on your social media accounts, personal websites, or relevant forums/groups can also drive more traffic and clicks to your gigs and profile, boost your ranking and exposure on Fiverr’s search results, and generate more orders and revenue from your gigs. It’s important to follow the rules of the platforms where you’re promoting to avoid spamming.


5. Offer Limited-Time Promotions

Limited-time promotions can be an effective way to attract more customers and increase sales on Fiverr.

Consider offering discounts or special deals to your first few customers to incentivize them to try your service and leave a positive review.

This can help you stand out from other sellers and differentiate yourself by highlighting your unique skills and benefits.

When creating a limited-time promotion, it’s important to choose the right timing and duration based on your niche, market, and goals. Shorter promotions tend to perform better as they create more urgency and excitement.

Additionally, you should choose the right type and amount of discount or offer for your service based on your costs, margins, and demand.

You can offer a percentage off, a fixed amount off, a free extra, or a bundle deal.

To promote your offer, choose the right platform and channel based on your target audience and reach.

You can use Fiverr’s Promoted Gigs feature, social media, email, blogs, forums, or other online communities.

Finally, track and measure your results and performance using Fiverr’s analytics tools and feedback from buyers.

This will help you see how your promotion affected your ranking and reputation, and how many clicks, views, orders, and revenue it generated.

By following these best practices, you can create effective limited-time promotions that not only increase your sales, but also help you test new services or products, increase customer loyalty and retention, and get valuable feedback and reviews from buyers.


6. Respond Promptly to Inquiries

It is crucial to be responsive to messages from potential buyers on Fiverr.

A quick response time can create a good impression and increase the likelihood of getting an order.

By responding promptly to buyer inquiries, you can build trust and rapport with your potential customers, show that you care about their needs and expectations, and increase your chances of getting more orders and sales.

Moreover, boosting your response rate and time metrics can improve your ranking and exposure on Fiverr’s search results and marketplace.

Providing excellent customer service and communication can enhance your reputation and feedback as a freelancer.

To respond promptly to buyer inquiries on Fiverr, you can use the Quick Responses feature that allows you to create and save templates for common messages that you can send with a click.

You can also use the Fiverr mobile app to stay connected and reply to your buyers on the go.

I hope this helps you understand the importance of responding promptly to buyer inquiries on Fiverr.


7. Start with Buyer Requests

If you are a freelancer on Fiverr, it’s important to keep an eye on the Buyer Requests section.

Here, buyers post their specific requirements for the services they need.

It’s an excellent way to find clients who are looking for your particular skills and services.

If you come across a request that matches your skills, make sure to submit a compelling offer to the buyer.

Your offer should detail how you can fulfill their needs and showcase your portfolio, reviews, and value proposition to potential clients who are ready to buy.

Responding to Buyer Requests on Fiverr is an effective way to bid on projects that match your niche, expertise, and availability.

It also increases your visibility and exposure on Fiverr’s marketplace and search results.

To access and respond to Buyer Requests in Fiverr, follow these steps

  1. Go to the More menu on your profile page
  2. Click on Buyer Requests
  3. Browse through the list of requests that are relevant to your category and subcategory
  4. Click on Send Offer to send a customized proposal to the buyer
  5. Write a clear and compelling message that explains how you can help the buyer with their project
  6. Set your delivery time, price, and number of revisions
  7. Click on Submit Offer to send your proposal to the buyer.


8. Be Patient and Persistent

When starting from scratch on Fiverr, building a reputation takes time.

To succeed, it is important to be patient, improve your services, and promote your gig.

Waiting for the first order can be a challenge, but it is essential to stay motivated and not give up on earning money online.

Getting your first order may take some time and effort, but it is achievable.

To increase your chances of success, select your niche, create clear titles and descriptions for your gigs, and use keywords, images, and videos that showcase your value.

Set reasonable prices, offer discounts, and respond promptly and politely to buyer inquiries.

Deliver quality work on time, and ask for reviews and referrals from satisfied customers.

Use Buyer Requests to find and bid on projects that match your expertise, and Promoted Gigs to boost your visibility on Fiverr’s marketplace.

Sharing your gigs on social media platforms, websites, blogs, forums or other online channels is also a great way to reach potential buyers. Remember to learn from your mistakes, feedback, and analytics, and improve your performance and results.

By following these best practices, you can build your skills, portfolio, and reputation on Fiverr and achieve success as a freelancer.


What to do after you get your first Gig?

When you receive your first order on Fiverr, focus on providing quality work and satisfying your customers.

This will help build your reputation on the platform and generate positive reviews and referrals.

Before getting started, create a project prototype to give your customer an idea of what to expect.

Share the prototype with the customer and ask for feedback.

Throughout the process, keep them updated with regular drafts and updates.

This will demonstrate your professionalism and dedication, and allow you to make any necessary changes.

When delivering the final work, make sure it meets the customer’s specifications and is delivered on time.

Check your work for errors before submitting it.

You can also include a thank-you note and request a review or tip.

After delivery, respond promptly to any messages or queries from your customer.

In the case of modification requests, handle them politely and promptly.

If your customer is pleased with your work, encourage them to order from you again.

Additionally, soliciting reviews from your buyers can be beneficial in building credibility and attracting new buyers.

To succeed on Fiverr, prioritize delivering high-quality work and excellent customer service.

Remember, positive reviews and ratings from satisfied customers are crucial to attracting future orders.



By following the right strategies and being persistent, launching a successful freelance career on Fiverr is achievable.

This guide provides tips on how to attract your first orders, optimize your gig, and build a long-term successful business in the ever-growing freelance marketplace.

Always remember that consistency and dedication are the keys to building a thriving freelance business on Fiverr.